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“The War that Changed Rondo” is among the winners of Bologna Ragazzi Award 2015
The book by the Art Studio “Agrafka” (Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv), published by “The Old Lion Publishing House” – “The War that Changed Rondo” – is among the winners of the competition Bologna Ragazzi Award 2015. It received a special award of the jury in the category “New Horizons”.
“War comes suddenly and changes everything, - the members of jury of the prize Bologna Ragazzi Award 2015 noted. – In these bold and surprisingly playful illustrations, the city of Rondo and its friends find a brilliant solution to the problem, and the blossoming peace comes again. Although the book opens to the readers a complex world problem, constantly perceptible and very real, "The War that Changed Rondo" emphasizes hope and enlightenment".
“The theme of the war in picture books is not a new one in the world, - Andriy and Romana tell. - And we saw, analyzed and studied many of them. You need to search for metaphors and symbols. And it's important for us to lay down images and symbols in this story, understandable both in Ukraine and abroad. For example, in the book poppy flowers are such symbols. In Ukrainian folklore, red poppies start to grow where innocent blood is shed; in the world culture poppy is a symbol of the memory of victims killed in war. And since last year this international symbol has been used in Ukraine as well".


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